Jewelries are often seen on females. It does not depend onto what age group the person is; as long as the person is female most likely jewelries will be a great part of her daily accessory. Jewelries come in many shapes, designs, sizes, and made. Prices also vary from the qualities that have just been mentioned. There are a great number of shapes for jewelry. It can take out the form of just anything, from inscribed names, wordings, to cartoon characters, and zodiac signs. Different symbols are also used for jewelry’s shape, and many other things. Jewelries can also be embedded by different stones, some are cheap stones and other is just expensive stones like diamonds, emerald, and other precious stones. Jewelries are also made from different materials, whereas the famous would be gold and silver, although other jewelries are also made from alloys metals, or also known as mixed-metals.
Among gold and silver jewelry, gold are the most famous among the two, but silver are the one mostly worn by people of different ages. Not only because silver are cheaper than gold, but also for the reason that silver jewelries have a non-biased color than can be worn to just about any color of clothes, unlike gold that has a yellowish color shade on it. From the types of silver jewelries, silver rings are one of the jewelry types that are also widely worn by male alike. It is the type of jewelry that can be considered as a unisex jewelry. Silver rings are actually mostly found in males than in females. Ever watched a gangster movie, or a movie that concerns hip-hop, or any action movie? Try to focus on the fingers of the actors and actresses. A silver ring or two can be seen mostly on actors than in actresses. Proving the point that rings made out of silver can be mostly seen worn by men than women. And the silver bracelets are also popular to the males as well. As for women, they are more fond wearing gold jewelries than silver, maybe for a reason that gold jewelries are more classy to wear and look at, giving a sense of elegant, compare to silver jewelries. And also, that is maybe one of the reason why men are fond in wearing silver jewelries, for opposite reason that silver jewelries are simpler to wear and to look at, leaving a touch of manliness even when wearing a silver jewelry.
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